Вышла Windows 10 Mobile build 10149 с багами
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Microsoft выпустила новую сборку Windows 10 Mobile. Как сообщает в своем твиттере глава программы Windows Insider Гейб Аул, сборка 10149 доступна для пользователей из быстрого круга обновлений.
Как следует из поста Аула в блоге Windows, сборка 10149 является более стабильной, чем сборка 10136, вышедшая 16 июня, и, в отличие от сборки 10136, которую из-за бага можно было установить только после отката до Windows Phone 8.1, сборку 10149 можно установить путем прямого апгрейда со сборки 10080 или 10136. Однако в новой сборке по-прежнему содержится целый ряд багов, некоторые из которых перечисляются в посте Аула:
• There is an issue where the Install button doesn’t respond after Build 10149 is downloaded. Make sure the battery is charged >40% and press it again.
• Some people may encounter an 80091007 error trying to upgrade to this build from Build 10136. If you hit this error, sit tight – we’re working on a fix. Or if you want the new build right away, you can use the Windows Phone Recovery Tool to go back to Windows Phone 8.1 and then upgrade to Build 10149.
• The Insider Hub is removed in this build. Don’t worry, it will be back in future Insider Preview builds.
• Sometimes the PIN keypad won’t be shown after swiping up to unlock. The workaround is to swipe down to get to Action Center and try to open a notification or Settings to invoke the PIN keypad to unlock your phone.
• There is a very rare situation where you are unable to unlock your phone after entering your PIN and it keeps letting you type even though you entered your pin correctly. If you hit this – leave the phone alone 1-2 hours before trying to unlock again. This is caused by a TPM issue that could get worse and require you to reflash if you get into this state and power off the phone.
• If a Gmail account is set up on the phone, the Messaging app may have issues and both incoming and outgoing messages may not work. If this issue is hit, simply reboot your phone to get it working again. We are aware that the Messaging app may behave badly in this state.
• There is a known issue where apps or games are installed as trial versions even though you have previously purchased them. In-app purchases on Windows 10 Mobile are not functional yet as we migrate the function to the new Windows Store.
• In certain cases, the colors in some apps may appear off. For example – the titlebar in the Outlook Mail app is orange.
• There might be some cases where notifications in Action Center appear blank.
28.04.2007 00:53
Microsoft признает провал Windows Vista
Microsoft признала то, о чем многие все время твердили - Windows Vista, так же известная как Windows Millennium 2, это всего лишь прикол, которого на самом деле никто не хочет
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